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Emotional Healing

The Heart Meditation

This is a powerful meditation designed for self-love.

Releasing Negativity

This meditation is designed to help you release negativity, pain and fear using simple color visualizations.

Uncertainty Meditation

13 min.

This meditation is perfect when you're feeling fear around an uncertainty.

It's Going To Be Okay

This meditation is designed specifically for when you need a pick me.

Morning Refresh

This meditation is designed to refresh your energy for the day.

Gratitude EQ Meditation

This is a gratitude emotional intelligence meditation. It is designed to help you feel where gratitude lives in your body.

Love &Happiness EQ Meditation

This is an emotional intelligence meditation focusing on love and happiness. It is designed to help you learn where these emotions live in your body so you can activate them at any time.

Name Your Thoughts

8 minutes

This is a meditation that will help you gain control over your "monkey mind"- allowing you more control over your thoughts and more freedom in your day.

Smile Meditation

8 minutes

This is a super simple meditation that involves smiling and will make you feel instantly better!

Full Chakra Meditation

18 min.

This meditation is designed to awaken, balance, and harmonize all your chakras.

Compassion and Forgiveness

11 min.

This is a meditation to build compassion for self and others as well as work on forgiveness.

Meditaton for Physical Inury

11 min.

This is a meditation for healing around a physical injury.

The Ring Infuser

10 min.

This is an adaptation of the ring body scan. In this meditation you will use a ring to infuse your body with a quality of your choosing.

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Emotional Surrender

13 min.

This meditation is designed to help you sit with and move through emotions.

Inner Child Meditation

This is a powerful and intense meditation on connecting with your inner child and seeing what he/she needs.

Releasing Anxiety

This is a quick meditation that helps to release anxiety from the mind and body.

Releasing Stress

7 min.

This is a wonderful, short, and effective guided visualization appropriate for all ages that helps to release stress and negative emotions.

The Ham-Sah Meditation

This is a powerful meditation using the universal mantra "Ham Sah".

The Tantric Touch of Compassion and Self-Love

This is a Tantric meditation that promotes compassion and self-love.

Body Kindness Meditation

This is a body centric meditation that takes self-love to a place of embodiment.

Root Chakra Meditation

15 min.

This is a guided meditation on the root chakra.

Solar Plexus (3rd) Chakra Meditation

12 min.

This is a meditation that will help you to better understand and connect with your solar plexus.

Throat Chakra Meditation

This meditation is designed to help you release blockages from the throat chakra. 

Happy Place Meditation

15 min.

This meditation is about going to a happy place that you create in your own mind.

Nightly Grounding

10 min.

This is a meditation to help ground and recover your energy.

Soften and Surrender

This meditation is all about letting go and accepting what is.

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